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Creating A Database in Microsoft Access


As part of my Honors Project, I was tasked with creating a database to house and organize information on over 5,000 cells for Wright State's Neuroengineering, Rehabilitation, and Degeneration (NERD) Lab. Although I had no prior experience in data management, this project gave me the opportunity to hone my coding, research, and problem-solving skills. Due to my hard work and dedication, I was able to research, design, and create a dynamic database in Access within four months (within one semester, in addition to a full course load).


During the spring of 2017, I was asked to research the various data management techniques available with the goal to find a feasible database program for the lab's present and future collected information. Furthermore, this database would serve to better organize and present the cell information I previously managed in Microsoft Excel. Based on ease of use, availability, and its compatibility with Excel, I chose to use Microsoft Access.


After deciding on Access, I set about learning how to use it and navigate through it. I approached this by initially creating sample sets of data to test, and I repeatedly reviewed methods of importing and organizing data into tables. As my methods got more and more complex, I turned to online sources and tutorial videos to assist in my learning.


As my first method of organizing data, I learned how to correlate combo boxes. While this method would begin to filter my data set, it was severely limited in its applications. After awhile, my understanding advanced beyond using simple correlation and I began to hard-code my combo boxes into filters. By calling on the main data set and using key commands built into the Access program, I was able to create a multi-combo box form that filtered my data set down into the desired points of information. Furthermore, at the press of a button, all these filters could be cleared to start the process over again. The desired information is also displayed in a window under the main form; this window is directly connected to the main set of data and refreshed after every command executed within the combo boxes. These components work together to create a feasible, easy to use, cost effective database.


In future plans, I want to further streamline the process by linking an Excel file to the main Access table. I also want to add the option to export data to an Excel spreadsheet.


This project was a fun and challenging test of my abilities. Through this endeavor, I learned more about the iterative research and design process that epitomizes success in industry today. To see the results of my research and hard work, please view the images below.


The top-most image below shows my main form as it appears on initiation of the Access program. Note the sub-form below which contains various points of data. The bottom-most image shows my main form after a filter sequence. Note the change in combo box displays and the reduced points of information on the sub-form. Furthermore, the sub-form updates to show only filtered information. If you would like more information on my experiences with this project, please feel free to contact me.


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